Digest>Archives> Nov/Dec 2024

Bakers Island Light [Farm] House Fixer


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A veteran of the Civil War, Keeper Walter S. ...

The historic Bakers Island Light Station, standing for over 200 years at the entrance of Salem Sound, in Massachusetts now shines brighter than ever thanks to a $45,000 sustainability grant from Green Mountain Energy Sun Club. The grant funded an off-grid solar array and battery storage system, providing enough energy to power the lighthouse and two 19th-century the keepers’ houses year-round. The system, a 1.83-kilowatt solar array, has eliminated the need for gas-powered generators, bringing renewable energy to this remote island site.

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Paul Baptiste is shown (left) dangling on the ...

In 2023, HGTV’s Farmhouse Fixer, led by Jonathan Knight of New Kids on the Block, teamed up with Essex Heritage to further enhance the site. Over three months, Knight, designer Kristina Crestin, and a crew of volunteers transformed the Assistant Keeper’s House, overcoming weather challenges and encountering setbacks to restore this piece of maritime history. Despite a limited budget of $30,000 and suddenly facing several setbacks, Essex Heritage quickly arranged an auction event within a few weeks. Jonathan Knight even contributed concert tickets to the auction. They raised an additional $22,500 for the restoration. They were also able to secure enough funds to restore and convert the wood cook stove to gas.

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A ”before” view of the kitchen in 2015 with the ...
Photo by: Ron Foster

Bakers Island Light Station has long played a critical role in guiding ships safely into Salem Harbor, a perilous passage due to the ledges and shoals that have caused hundreds of shipwrecks over the centuries. Thanks to these combined efforts, this beauty landmark not only continues to preserve its rich history but now does so with sustainability at its core.

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The restored kitchen with the now restored cook ...

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Bakers Island Light Station. (Courtesy Farmhouse ...

This story appeared in the Nov/Dec 2024 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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