Digest>Archives> Jul/Aug 2024

A New Look Inside Pomham Rocks Lighthouse

By Louise Paiva


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Judianne Point paints the kitchen its original ...

Pomham Rocks Lighthouse and maritime museum launched its 2024 tour season on June 15 with public tours scheduled on select days through the end of September. One of the frequent questions raised by visitors to the island lighthouse has been the color of the rooms. When the interior restoration was completed in 2018, all the rooms, except the large Pomham Room, were painted a neutral off-white. That was because the original color of the rooms was not known. The Pomham Room, where the Fresnel lens is displayed on the first floor of the lighthouse, was painted pale blue. 

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Adam Dias applies a second coat of caramel brown ...

In preparation for the start of the 2024 tour season, Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse Vice Chair and Museum Committee Chair Alex Dias took on the task of identifying the colors of the rooms as they were in 1871 when the lighthouse opened. In discreet areas, Dias meticulously chipped down through a century-and-a-half of paint, to identify the original color of each of the seven rooms of the building. In rooms that do not currently have their original plaster, Dias had saved sections of the original wall for historical preservation during the 2017 interior restoration. Those colors were compared to historic color collections, to provide an accurate match.

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Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse is a 501(c)(3) ...

During the spring, volunteers from the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse painted each room in its original hue. As luck would have it, the blue shade of The Pomham Room was, indeed, its original color. The other first floor room included the kitchen, which was painted Benjamin Moore Hawthorne Yellow HC-4, a bright yellow, and the entrance hall/stairway, which are now Benjamin Moore Chippendale Rosetone HC-58, a soft rose. On the second floor, the four rooms which were originally bedrooms, were restored as follows: The Coast Guard Room, Benjamin Moore Kendall Charcoal HC-166, a deep shade of gray; The Bullocks Point Room, Sherwin-Williams Rookwood Amber SW 2817, a caramel hue of brown; The Sabin Point Room, Benjamin Moore Kennebunkport Green HC-123, a mossy green; and the bathroom, Benjamin Moore Chippendale Rosetone HC-58.

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Alex Dias, left, and Dennis Tardiff start to ...

“This is just one more way that we are ensuring the historical accuracy of the restoration of the Lighthouse,” notes Dennis Tardiff, chair of Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse. Visitors can view the new look on seasonal tours that leave from Edgewood Yacht Club each week. Visit www.PomhamRocksLighthouse.com for tour details and more information.

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The completed entrance hall/staircase of Pomham ...

This story appeared in the Jul/Aug 2024 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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