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Name: Jones Point Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Alexandria, Virginia, United States

Location: Potomac River, Jones Point Park.

Click to enlarge: Photo   
Photo: Larry Nohe

Managing Organization:
Mount Vernon Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution


Contact Address Information:
606 Princess St.
Virginia, 22314, United States

This lighthouse is owned by the National Park Service as part of the George Washington Memorial Parkway. It was renovated and relit by the Mount Vernon Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in 1995. There has been damage from storms and vandalism, and the lighthouse is still in need of much restoration.

Description of Tower: Lantern on roof of keeper's house.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
Integral 1.5 story wood keeper's house.

Date Established: 1856

Date Present Tower Built: 1856

Date Deactivated: 1926-1995

Optics: 1856: Fifth order Fresnel lens, now 155 mm optic.

Current Use: Private aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Yes.

The lighthouse is in Jones Point Park on the Mount Vernon Trail, which is part of the George Washington Memorial Parkway. It is accessible from all major travel routes from the south and west of Washington, including I-495, I-95, and I-66. Call the Park Service at 703-289-2500 for information on visiting the lighthouse.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Keepers: George L. Deeton (1856-?); Benjamin Greenwood (?).

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