Managing Organization: Private owner
Notes: Poplar Point Light was discontinued when Wickford Harbor Light was established in 1880. The building has been in private hands since 1894. It is Rhode Island's oldest lighthouse tower in its original location, and one of the oldest wooden lighthouses in the U.S. Height of Focal Plane: 48 Description of Tower: White, octagonal wood tower on roof of keeper's house, with cast iron lantern.
This light is not operational
Other Buildings? 1831 1.5 story keeper's house, greatly modified and enlarged. Date Established: 1831 Date Present Tower Built: 1831 Date Deactivated: 1880 Optics: c. 1838: Eight lamps and 14.5-inch reflectors; 1855: Fifth order Fresnel lens. Current Use: Private residence. Open To Public? No. Directions: Poplar Point Lighthouse is best viewed from across Wicford Harbor at Sauga Point. From US Route 1 in Wickford, take Camp Avenue south. Turn right at Shore Acres Road. On Shore Acres there is a pathway marked with a "Private Property" sign. The path is actually a public walkthough. Head down the lane to the beach, then walk west to a breakwater. From the breakwater Poplar Point Lighthouse can be seen across the harbor. Mapquest URL: Click here to get a map to this lighthouse! Listed on the
National Register of Historic Places Keepers: Samuel Thomas, Jr. (1831-1849), James Reynolds (1849-1854), Abram B. Green (1854-1859), Samuel A. Spinks (1859-1861), John Hull (1861-1874), Henry F. Sherman (1874-1882) (Lighthouse was replaced by Wickford Harbor Light in 1882)