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Name: Manana Island Fog Signal Station  

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Nearest Town or City:
Monhegan, Maine, United States

Location: Near Monhegan Island, 10 miles southwest of Port Clyde, Muscongus Bay.

Click to enlarge: Photo   
Photo: U.S. Coast Guard

This was a fog signal station only, but was located across a narrow channel from the lighthouse station on Monhegan Island. An 1889 brick fog signal building survives along with an 1855 two-story keeper's dwelling, which has been greatly modified.

This light is not operational

Other Buildings?
1906 oil house, 1905 tramway and hoist house.

Date Established: 1855

Date Automated: 1988

Fog Signal: 1855: 2,500 pound bell. 1870: 10" Daboll trumpet. 1872: 6" steam fog whistle. 1876: 8" steam whistle. 1877: First-class Daboll trumpet. 1912: First-class air siren. Now modern, automated electronic horn with 2 blasts every 60 seconds.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? No.

Keepers: Sylvester Davis (1855-1857), Thomas Kinney (1857), Henry T. Studley (1861-1870), Francis A. Brackett (1871-1872), Bradbury Emerson (first assistant 1872-1873), Andrew J. Marston (first assistant 1873-1876), Frank E. Adams (1876-1878), John W. WIlliams (1878-1883), Charles S. Williams (1883-1890), Daniel Stevens (1890-1902), Frank C. Pierce (1902-1916), Charles C. Dyer (1916-1924), Eugene Osgood (1924-1928), William Woodward (1928-1934), Vinal Foss (1934-1937), Floyd Singer (1937-1941), Everett W. Quinn (1941-1942), Henley Day (1942-1954), P. P. Papandrea (1955-1956), Leon Detz (1956-1962), Earle A. Thompson (1863), Lewis M. Scarborough (1963-1965), George J. Staples (1965-1966), Woodbury A. Post (1966-1967), John W. Bines (1967-1969), G. La Roch (1969), Major C. Trimble (1970-1971), Julius C. Graham (1971-?); ASSISTANTS: Frank C. Pierce (1895-1902), Edward S. Farren (1902-1913), Eugene Osgood (1913-1924), William Woodward (1924-1926), William Talbot (1926-1929), Vinal Foss (1929-1934), Floyd Singher (Singer ?) (1934-1937), Henley Day (1937-1942), Gordon P. Eaton (1953-1955), Leon Deitz (1955-1956), Richard Lawrence (1956-1957), Joseph Delisle (1957), G. P. De Luca (1957-1958), Forest L. Baker (1959), Davey Blount (1959), Richard Dike (1960), Charles Powlin (1960-1961), Larry W. Smith (1961-1962), James Butcher (1963), Lee H. Cushing (1963-1964), Rodney G. Drown (1964), Rollo Gerrish (1964-1968), Greenleaf Maher (1968-1969)

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