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Name: Whale Rock Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Jamestown, Rhode Island, United States

Location: West passage of Narragansett Bay.

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This lighthouse was demolished by a hurricane in September 1938, killing Assistant Keeper Walter Eberle. It was replaced by a steel tower after the hurricane. The remains of the lighthouse have been located underwater in recent years.

Height of Focal Plane: 73

Characteristic and Range: Fixed red.

Description of Tower: Cast iron, conical

This light is not operational

Date Established: 1882

Date Deactivated: 1938

Optics: Fourth order Fresnel lens.

Fog Signal: Bell; double blow every 20 seconds.

Current Use: Destroyed.

Open To Public? No.

Keepers: Nathaniel S. Dodge (1882-1885), John W. Dodge (1st Assistant, 1882-1884), Elam P. Littlefield (1st Assistant 1884-1885, Keeper 1885-1891), Joseph B. Eddy (1st Assistant 1886), Charles Wright (1st Assistant 1886-1887), Eugene R. Milliken (1st Assistant 1887-1888), William Roman (1st Assistant 1888-1890), Edward Andrews (1st Assistant 1890-1891, Keeper 1891-1893), Henricus DeVries (1st Assistant 1891), Nelson Sprague (1st Assistant 1891-1892 and 1900, Keeper 1900-1901), Herbert R. Kenyon (1st Assistant 1892), Charles E. Smith (1st Assistant 1892-1893, Keeper 1893-1895), Frank Tardiff (1st Assistant 1893-1894), Sylvester Allen (1st Assistant 1894-1895, Keeper 1895), Judson G. Allen (1895), Isaac G. Hoard, (1st Assistant 1895-1896), Henry Nygren (1st Assistant 1896-1897), Joshua A. Overton (1st Assistant 1897-1899, Keeper 1899-1900), Charles W. Oliver (1st Assistant 1897-1899), John G. Skipworth (1st Assistant 1898-1899), B. A. Francisco (1st Assistant 1898-1899), Silas E. Stanton (Staton?) (assistant 1900-1901, Keeper 1901), Joseph D. Meade (1901-1902), Peter M. Peterson (1902-1908), Marten W. Ekman (1st Assistant 1901-1902), Willis A. Green (1st Assistant 1902-1903), Morell E. Hulse (1st Assistant 1903-1905), Edward R. Curtis (1st Assistant 1905-1906), John A. Burke (1st Assistant 1906), Ernest Bloom (1st Assistant 1906-1908), Haus. Anderson (1st Assistant 1908, Keeper 1908-1910), John S, Sheridan (1910), John C. W. Porter (1910-1912), Theodore De Shong (1911-1913), William F. Aichels (1908), Robert G. Lamer (1st Assistant 1911), J. O. Browley (Joseph O. Bouley ?) (1st Assistant 1911-1914), Simon Sivounich (1st Assistant 1908-1911), Robert G. Lamer (1st Assistant 1908-1911), Hans C. Anderson (1908-1911), John (Jack) Larsen (1914-1915), Arthur E. Larkin (1st Assistant 1914-1915), Edward Grime (1915-1916), Otis L. Barstow (1st Assistant 1915-1916, Keeper 1916-1918), George H. Tooker (1st Assistant 1916-1918, Keeper 1918-1925), George T. Gardiner (1st Assistant 1921-1925), George A. Scheer (2nd Assistant 1921-1923), Thomas H. Winn (2nd Assistant 1923-1925), Fred B. White (1925-1927), Daniel A. Sullivan (1st Assistant 1925-1927, Keeper 1927-1938), Alfred Auger (2nd Assistant 1925-1927), Willam O. Chapel (1st Assistant 1927-1931), Robert H. Lyons (2nd Assistant 1927-1929), Joseph G. Hindley (2nd Assistant 1929-1931, 1st Assistant 1931), Harold E. Davis (2nd Assistant 1931), Peter Roudeau (1st Assistant 1931-1937), Ernest Stacey (2nd Assistant 1931-1937), Joseph H. Dubois (1st Assistant,1937-1938), Walter Eberle (2nd Assistant, 1937-1938, died in service).

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