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Name: Moose Peak Light   Map it!

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Also known as: Moosepeak Light

Also known as: Mistake Island Light

Nearest Town or City:
Jonesport, Maine, United States

Location: Mistake Island, five miles southeast of Jonesport.

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Managing Organization:
Privately owned.

Mistake Island is managed by the Maine Chapter of the Nature Conservancy as part of the Great Wass Island Preserve. In 2011 the non profit group, Keepers of Moose Peak Lighthouse applied for ownership of the lighthouse. But their application for ownership was rejected by the Federal Government. The GSA then sold the lighthouse at auction to Donald J Vaccaro for $93,500. Mr. Vaccaro donated the lighthouse to Arnold Memorial Medical Building Society (AMMBS) of Jonesport, Maine. Billy Milliken, the president of AMMBS, is a nephew of Alexander Milliken who was the first keeper of the Moose Peak Lighthouse(1827-1849).

Tower Height: 57

Height of Focal Plane: 72

Characteristic and Range: Flashing white every 30 seconds.

Description of Tower: White conical brick tower with green cast iron lantern.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
1912 brick fog signal building. In 1982, the keeper's house was blown up by the military as part of a training exercise.

Earlier Towers?
1826: first tower.

Date Established: 1826

Date Present Tower Built: 1851

Date Automated: 1972

Optics: 1856: Second order Fresnel lens; 1993: DCB-24; 1999: solar powered VRB-25.

Fog Signal: 1912: Diaphragm fog horn; now automated horn with two blasts every 30 seconds.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? No.

Moose Peak Light can be seen distantly from Great Wass Island. From US Route 1, take ME 187 to Jonesport. In Jonesport at a "Bridge Street" and a "Beals Island" sign turn south onto Bridge Road. Go over a causeway and bridge to Beals Island. Upon reaching the island turn left and continue on Great Wass Road to its terminus on Great Wass Island. There is a free unpaved parking area. Walk the two mile Cape Point Trail to the eastern shore. The lighthouse can be seen about 1.5 miles away, nestled in a V-shaped section of the island's elevation. If you continue on the trail for another one-half mile you can get a slightly closer view of the lighthouse. You may be able to charter a cruise to see Moose Peak Light with Captains Barna B. and John E. Norton in Jonesport at (207) 497-5933.

Mapquest URL: Click here to get a map to this lighthouse!

Keepers: Alexander Milliken (1827-1849); Joshua Walker (1849-1851, died in service); Joshua S. Walker (1851-1853); Darius Dickey (1853-1859); William H. Norton (1859-1860); Alexander M. Drisko, assistant (1859-1860); Richard Norton, assistant (1860); Charles B. Murch (1869-1876); Warren Murch, assistant (1869-1873); Charles H. Murch, assistant (1871-?); Veranus Allen, assistant (1876-1880); Samuel Cummings (1876-1881); John W. Guptill, assistant (1882-1883); Augustus F. Carver, assistant (1883-1886); Wilfred S. Lowe, assistant (1886-1887); Nehemiah Guptill (1881-1886); Thomas S. Dodge (1886-1887); Charles R. Dobbins (1887-1905); John L. Norton, assistant (1888-1891); Oscar B. Hall, assistant (1891-1895); James H. Falkingham, assistant (1895-1897); Nelson F. Morse, assistant (1897-1901); William A. Atwater, assistant (c. 1905); Herbert Anderson (c. 1910); James Anderson, assistant (c. 1910); Eugene C. Ingalls(1912-1914); Joseph Muise (c. 1930s); M. L. Wilson, assistant (c. 1935); ENC Paul J. Kessler (1952); Don Ashby (Coast Guard officer in charge c. 1956-1958); Richard Kelley (Coast Guard, c. 1957)

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