Digest>May/Jun 2023

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Shown here from the photo album of Clarence Allison, circa 1913, is Gilbert Hay (1876-1934), the assistant lighthouse keeper at Chatham Lighthouse with his family, (l-r) his wife, Jessie, who was a native of Scotland, and their children: Bertha, Jessie, and John. At the age of 19, Gilbert Hay, who immigrated to the United States from the Shetland Islands, followed the sea before joining the U.S. Lighthouse Service in 1913. In 1922, when Frank Parsons, the assistant keeper at Eastern Point Lighthouse in Gloucester, Massachusetts, fell to his death while painting the tower, Gilbert Hay was transferred to take over Frank Parsons’ position. In 1926, upon the retirement of George E. Bailey of Eastern Point Lighthouse, Gilbert Ray was promoted to fill his position as head keeper. After a brief illness, Gilbert Hay died in 1934 at the young age of 42, and his funeral was held at the Eastern Point Lighthouse. He was buried at the Beachbrook Cemetery in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Hopefully, the day will come when someone or some group will place a U.S. Lighthouse Service Memorial Marker at his gravesite.
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Chatham Lighthouse
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