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Name: New Canal Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

Location: Entrance to Lake Ponchartrain Canal.

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Photo: Joost Keesing
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Managing Organization:
Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation

Telephone: 504-836-2215


This lighthouse was originally located offshore on Lake Ponchartrain. It was relocated to the shore in 1910. The building was restored by the Coast Guard in 1976. The lighthouse was heavily damaged and virtually destroyed after suffering double hits in 2005 from Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita. In 2012, thanks to the efforts of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation, the lighthouse was rebuilt using some of the materials from the original structure. The only significant difference between the previous structure and the new structure is that the new lighthouse is built higher up on stilts, to help protect it from future storm surges.

Tower Height: 32

Height of Focal Plane: 52

Characteristic and Range: Flashing white every 10 seconds.

Description of Tower: Square white tower on roof of keeper's quarters, with red cupola.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
1901 two-story wood platform bungalow-style keeper's house.

Earlier Towers?
1838: Octagonal wooden tower.

Date Established: 1838

Date Present Tower Built: 1901

Tower Moved?

Optics: 1901: Fifth order Fresnel lens; now 190 mm optic.

Fog Signal: Bell with one stroke every 10 seconds.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? No.

This lighthouse is at West End Boulevard and Lakeshore Drive in New Orleans.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Keepers: Thomas Beattie (1839-1847, died in service), Elizabeth Beattie (1847-?), ? O'Driscoll (?-1850, died in service), Jane O'Driscoll (1850-?), William A. Waldo (C. 1860s), ? Campbell (?-1870), Mary F. Campbell (1870-c. 1895), Caroline Riddle (1895-1924), Margaret Norvell (1924-?).

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