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Name: St. Joseph Point Light  

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Also known as: St. Joseph's Point Light

Nearest Town or City:
Port St. Joe, Florida, United States

Location: Originally at Beacon Hill, St. Joseph Bay, Gulf of Mexico.

Click to enlarge: Photo   
Photo: Stan Severi

Managing Organization:
Private owner

This lighthouse was discontinued in 1955. It was eventually moved and was used a barn. It was moved again to its present location at Simmons Bayou in 1979 and became a private home. It has been restored by the current owners. Although known as St. Joseph Point, this lighthouse was in fact located on the mainland, about three miles from the point. It should not be confused with the St. Joseph Bay Light, which was built on the point in 1839 and discontinued seven years later. In April 2011, woner Danny Raffield installed a lantern room on top of the structure, thereby bringing the light station back to its original spledor.

Tower Height: 41

Height of Focal Plane: 63

Description of Tower: Square wooden tower on roof of one-story keeper's dwelling. The lantern is a modern replica.

This light is not operational

Date Established: 1902

Date Present Tower Built: 1902

Tower Moved?

Date Deactivated: 1955

Optics: 1902: Third order Fresnel lens.

Current Use: Private residence.

Open To Public? No.

This lighthouse, now a private home, is south of Port St. Joe at CR 30 next to Pressnell’s Fish Camp, just south of the intersection with U.S. 98. Remember to respect the privacy of the owners.

Keepers: Charles Lupton (1902-1928), Clem Brooks, Pete Roberts, Walter A. Roberts, Jr.

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