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Name: Saint Antoine Light (Jaudy River)   Map it!

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Also known as: Grande Passe feu postérieur

Nearest Town or City:
Pleubian, , France

Location: Côtes d'Armor département; on the east side of the Jaudy (Tréguier) River, about 0.9 miles from the front light (Port la Chaîne).

Managing Organization:
Bureau des Phares et Balises

This is the rear light of the Grande Passe range, with Port la Chaîne serving as the front light. The original lighthouse, which was very similar to the Port la Chaîne Light, was destroyed by German troops in August 1944. A temporary light was operated from 1947 to 1949. The lighthouse was rebuilt in 1948, consisting only of a front wall surmounted by a gabled dormer, but without a house proper behind it.

Tower Height: 20

Height of Focal Plane: 112

Characteristic and Range: Directional light; occulting red light, one-second eclipse every 4 seconds; range 15 nautical miles.

Description of Tower: White house front with a red dormer and a narrow rectangular tower behind the front wall. The light is displayed through the top window.

This light is operational

Earlier Towers?
1863: White house.

Date Established: 1863

Date Present Tower Built: 1949

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Grounds only.

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