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Name: Mussel Shoal Light  

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Also known as: Musselbed Shoals Light

Also known as: Muscle Shoal Light

Nearest Town or City:
Portsmouth, Rhode Island, United States

Location: Channel between Narragansett Bay to Mount Hope Bay.

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The first lighthouse on the spot was built in 1873. It was replaced in 1879 by a small one-room house with a light on its gable and a fog bell on the roof. The lighthouse station was often damaged by ice. A new dwelling was built, but the new structure was plagued by leaks and by 1938 the ceiling was caving in. The building was torn down in 1939 and replaced by a steel skeleton tower.

Height of Focal Plane: 35

Description of Tower: 1879: One-room house with lantern on roof.

This light is not operational

Earlier Towers?
1873: Hexagonal tower attached to the keeper's house.

Date Established: 1873

Date Deactivated: 1938

Optics: Sixth order Fresnel lens.

Fog Signal: Fog bell.

Current Use: Destroyed.

Keepers: Dennis Shea (1873-1874); William Dunnell (1874-1875); Thomas Smith (1876-1881); Andrew Smith (1881-1891); James D. Leonard (1891-1905); George Hansen (1905-?); Lucius Chadwick (?-1908); Edward Jansen (July 1 to October 1, 1908); John F. Anderson (Oct. 1, 1908 to April 1, 1909); William Tengren (1909-?); Otis Barstow (c. 1920)

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