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Name: Squirrel Point Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Arrowsic, Maine, United States

Location: Kennebec River, Arrowsic Island.

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Photo: Jeremy D'Entremont
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Managing Organization:
Citizens for Squirrel Point

In 2013, the Coast Guard issued a preservation lease to the Citizens for Squirrel Point.

Tower Height: 25

Height of Focal Plane: 33

Characteristic and Range: Alternating six seconds red and six seconds darkness, with a white sector.

Description of Tower: Octagonal white wood tower with black cast iron lantern.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
1898 1.5 story wood keeper's house, 1902 fog signal building (attached to tower), 1906 oil house, 1898 barn, garage, boathouse.

Date Established: 1898

Date Present Tower Built: 1898

Date Automated: 1979

Optics: 1898: Fifth order Fresnel lens; now 250 mm. The original Fresnel lens is now at the Museum at Portland Head Light in Cape Elizabeth, Maine.

Fog Signal: Now automated fog horn with one blast every 10 seconds.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Grounds only.

The lighthouse is not open to the public, but the station is accessible via a trail at the end of Bald Head Road in Arrowsic. Take Route 127 South from Route 1 in Woolwich and bear right at Bald Head Road. The last two miles of Bald Head Road are unpaved. There's a small parking area at the end of Bald Head Road. The walk is less than a mile, but it's fairly strenuous and takes 20-30 minutes. When you come to a fork in the trail after crossing a wooden foot bridge, follow the trail to the left.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Keepers: George Matthews (1898-1912), Arthur V. Smith (?), ? Reynolds (?), Clarence Skolfield (1955-1968), Ken Rouleau (1968-1970), Charles Burns (1970-1972), Joseph Robicheau (Coast Guard, May 1980 - November 1981)

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