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Name: Burntcoat Head Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Minasville, Nova Scotia, Canada

Location: Cobequid Bay, Bay of Fundy.

Click to enlarge: Photo   
Photo: Bob Crawford

Managing Organization:
Municipality of the District of East Hants

Telephone: 902-369-2669

Contact Address Information:
P.O. Box 190
Nova Scotia, B0N 2H0, Canada

This is the scene of the highest tide in recorded history -- on a day in 1869 the difference between low and high tide was 54 feet (16.6 m). The original Burncoat Head Lighthouse was replaced in 1913 by a wooden dwelling with a lantern on the roof. This lighthouse was replaced by a skeleton tower in 1972 and was later destroyed. The lighthouse was rebuilt in 1994 by the Municipality of the District of East Hants.

Description of Tower: White, square wooden dwelling with lantern on roof.

This light is not operational

Earlier Towers?
1859: 50-foot square wooden tower.

Date Established: 1859

Date Present Tower Built: 1994

Date Deactivated: 1972

Current Use: Museum.

Open To Public? Yes.

The lighthouse museum is open from May 15 to October 31. Hours: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Entrance is by donation.

From Halifax: Hwy 102 to Exit 10; follow Hwy 215 to Noel; turn right onto Burntcoat Road. From Amherst: Hwy 102 to Exit 14; follow Hwy 236; cross the Gosse Bridge; turn right onto Hwy 215; travel to Noel; turn right onto Burntcoat Road. From Windsor: (A) Ecotour Route - Hwy 215 to Burntcoat Road. (B) Cross-Country - Hwy 236 to Hwy 354; turn left and follow Hwy 215 to Noel.

Keepers: Nathan Smith (1859-1874), William Faulkner (1874-1883), Fed H. Faulkner (1884), John Prescott Mosher (1884-1898), William Y. Faulkner (1898-1916), William Burton Faulkner (1916 and 1919-1949), David Webber (1917-1918), W. H. Faulkner (1919), Ervin Faulkner (1949-1960).

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