Digest>Archives> Jul/Aug 2017

Keeper's Korner

Tidbits and Editorial Comments from the Tower

By Timothy Harrison


Thieves Strike Huntington

This past April, criminals stole an 800-pound piece of construction equipment from a barge that was set up for a restoration of the Huntington Harbor Lighthouse in Huntington, New York. The pile grapple with a bracket had only been in place for three days when it was stolen. The crooks would have had to use a boat with a crane or some kind of hoist to lift it up and steal it. This was the 4th act of theft of equipment at the site in the past six months. Hopefully these crooks will be caught and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. (Photo by Gina Manfredi.)

St. Joe Gets Award

The City of St. Joseph, Michigan has received the Michigan Historic Preservation Network 2017 Building Award for its restoration of the St. Joseph North Inner and Outer Lighthouse restorations. The lighthouses are now open for tours, which are dependent on weather and lake conditions. For more information, go to www.StJoeLighthouseTours.org or call the Heritage Museum and Cultural Center at 269-983-1191. (Photo by Ron Foster.).

Heritage Status Given

Canada’s Long Eddy Point Lighthouse on Grand Manan Island in New Brunswick has been declared a Canadian Heritage Site under Canada’s Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act. Established in 1871, the current tower, built in 1966, is fairly new by lighthouse standards. (Photo by Susan J. Paradis.)

Old Baldy Milestone

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Bald Head Lighthouse as it celebrates 200 years.

Commonly referred to as “Old Baldy,” it is the oldest lighthouse in North Carolina. (Photo by Jerry Tyson.)

Rehab at Fire Island

A $1.2 million rehabilitation project has been completed at New York’s Fire Island Lighthouse. The work was done by Ocean Construction LLC, a Marmora, New Jersey company that specializes in historic restoration.

Hotel Stopped in Cartagena

Local officials have stopped, for now, a proposed plan to turn the keeper’s quarters below the 167-foot tall Cabo de Palos in Cartagena, Spain from becoming a private luxury hotel. Two reasons were given: to protect the families of the four lighthouse keepers who currently live onsite, and to keep the grounds of the lighthouse open to the general public. Built in 1865, the lighthouse is still an active aid to navigation. )

Point Abino Turns 100

Lake Erie’s Point Abino Lighthouse, which has been dark since it was decommissioned in 1995, was relighted this past May in honor of its 100th Birthday. The lighthouse, also known as the Port Abino Lighthouse, will be lighted through October. The Fresnel lens will not rotate like it used to. Instead, the third order Fresnel lens has been turned 60 degrees northeast and is pointing at Waterfront Park so that its flashing light can be seen from there.

Erosion at Thirty Mile

Although erosion has always been a problem by New York state’s Thirty Mile Point Lighthouse on Lake Ontario, this year’s wet weather have caused several feet of a part of the bluff to drop away, almost up to the fence that surrounds the lighthouse property. (Photo by Mark Orgar.).

Sea Gull Gets New Owner

A favorite place of mine, and probably many others, the Sea Gull Restaurant and Gift Shop next door to Maine’s Pemaquid Point Lighthouse has been sold. The new owners are Betsey and Tim Norwood. Other than remodeling, the business is expected to remain pretty much the same..

For Fresnel Lens Lovers

For all those who love to visit and photograph Fresnel lenses, you may not be aware that the Lyceum Museum in Alexandra, Virginia has two Fresnel lenses on display. The 3rd order and the 4th-order Fresnel lenses were restored by volunteers of the Chesapeake Chapter of the U.S. Lighthouse Society. The Lyceum Museum is located at 201 S. Washington St. Alexandria, VA 22314. Their phone # is 703-746-4994.

Ragged Point To Be Restored

The Ragged Point Lighthouse in St. Philip, Barbados is finally going to be restored. Also known as East Point Lighthouse, it has been in deteriorating condition for many years. The restoration work on the 97-foot tall tower will be done by Hinds Transport Services, Ltd and overseen by Barbados Port Inc.

2017 Maryland Challenge

September 16th-17th, 2017: 11th year - 9 Lighthouses, 1 Lightship, Two Days. This is Maryland’s premier lighthouse event that features 10 lighthouses. Visit any number and receive a complimentary souvenir at each.  Visit ALL and receive a special souvenir proclaiming that “You’ve seen the Lights!” This year there are three Bonus Lights and an optional Bonus Cruise to see some of the Chesapeake Bay’s more elusive lights. More information can be found at www.cheslights.org, or call (410) 437-0741.

Thank You

I wish to thank the many people who sent condolence cards and made donations to various charities on the passing of my mother, Dorothy Harrison. They were all sincerely appreciated.

This story appeared in the Jul/Aug 2017 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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